The Autism Shop’s teething jewelry is specially produced and designed to be used by older children, where appearance and strength are important. Teething rings are used by almost all children during the teething period. What not everyone knows is that there is a group of children and young people with sensory disorders, autism and ADHD who still have a strong need to chew despite the fact that their teeth have long since emerged.

This is because children need sensory stimulation. Often, especially if no adults have been aware of it and the child hasn’t received guidance/help with sensory stimulation, the urge to chew results in “accidents” such as pierced sweaters or parents with bite marks.

While this can be a practical problem for parents, children are often very under-stimulated or stressed in their attempts to suppress the urge to chew. Bite jewelry does not cure the underlying cause of the desire to chew on something. However, they can ease the pressure by giving the child a discreet and healthy alternative to chewing on their clothes.

The Autism Shop’s bite jewelry is based on health and self-esteem. Our teething jewelry has a number of certifications, including CE EN 71 and FDA, which guarantee that they are safe to chew and do not contain any unwanted chemicals. In addition, they are made in discreet designs that make their purpose less obvious from the outside. This gives the young person the opportunity to be themselves without worrying about what others think of them.

Weight 100 g





10-13 years, 3-6 years, 6-10 years, Teenager


Product type


DJW Autismeshoppen ApS, Samsøgade 27, 8000 Aarhus C,

The expected delivery time is between 2 and 5 business days.

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